Social Art Events, Paint Parties, Classes, and Kits
Creative Parties and Kits
There's a new, exciting way to fund raise for your school, church, club, business, or community!
Reach your fundraising goals with our Make and Take Paint Kits!
Kids love being creative, and many adults do, too. That's why we offer kits for both with a great selection to choose from, including wood, canvas, and other creative project kits.
You can expect our fun and wildly popular kits to bring higher profits for your organization than many typical fundraising campaigns.
We make it easy!
Here's how it works:
Download and print out the fundraising flyers, customer order form, and the final tally sheet.
Decide on how long your campaign will run (typically 2-4 weeks) and write the ending date clearly on the order forms. This is the date of the last day all orders and payments must be returned.
Make copies of the flyers and the order form.
Distribute the flyers and order forms but keep the Talley Sheet. (The talley sheet is for the Chairperson to use for totaling the orders at the end of the campaign). Optional: you may wish to further promote on social media or other sales channels.
Close out the campaign by collecting and tallying the orders and the total payments. When the campaign has ended, collect the order forms and payments. Talley the orders and payments